Dans le cadre de la présidence française du Conseil de l’Union européenne (PFUE 2022), et sous le haut patronage ...
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Published on May 17th in PLOS MEDICINE
The editors of PLOS Medicine, together with guest editors Timothy Walsh, Ramanan Lax ...
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- International
Did you know that antifungal resistance is a major global health treat? Resistance among high-impact fungal pathogens has increased in recent years; however, few drugs are available to treat the infections they cause. To better understand factors influencing the rise in antifungal resistance across One Health and the proper ...
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- International
Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and development today. That is why The Global Antibiotics Resistance Foundation is organizing a Hybrid event about how to reduce the wrong use of Antibiotics and improve stewardship. Welcome to join the discussion!
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- International
Article published on University of South Australia website on May 06, 2022
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Article published on Spero Therapeutics website on May 03, 2022
Spero Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPRO), a multi-asset clinical-stage biopharmaceutical comp ...
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- International
This workshop is intended primarily for academic groups or small start-ups with limited practical experience in all stages of therapeutics product development.
The focus will be on the early phases of product development for antibacterial and antifungal agents, starting ...
- Evènements & Colloques
- France
Vaccination programs are known to be effective to both promote the prudent use of antibiotics and to prevent the spread of AMR. JPIAMR, in partnership with the Medical Research Council and
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- International
In late 2019, India’s government introduced draft legislation that would have made it the first country in the world to limit the amount of antibiotics in waste released from pharmaceutical manufacturing plants into surrounding waterways. Twenty months later, following extensive commentary and argument on the proposed reg ...
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The analysis focused on active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturing, and t ...