Fiche scientifique / structure

Scientifique :

ANSALDI Mireille

Adresse :

31 Chemin Joseph Aiguier 13009 Marseille

Domaine d'intervention :

Antibiotiques et thérapies alternatives, Echantillonnage - détection et diagnostic, Innovations technologiques et omiques, Mécanismes de défense microbiens, Microorganismes et interactions/réponse de l'hôte, Secteurs One Health, SHS / Santé publique / Politiques publiques / socio-économie, Souches bactériennes
Adaptations génotypiques et phenotypiques, Alternatives thérapeutiques, Antimicrobiens, Bacteriophage et phagothérapie, Biodiversité, Biotechnologie et nanotechnologie, Communication - médiatisation - éducation - formation, Entérobactéries, Gram négatif, Membrane et paroi bactérienne, Motilité bactérienne, One Health, Santé animale - vétérinaire - faune sauvage

Unité :

Laboratoire de Chimie Bactérienne

Intitulé d'équipe :​

Cycle Phagique et métabolisme Bactérien

Responsable :
(Directeur d'unité / responsable de structure)

Tâm Mignot

Type de structure :​


Affiliation :


Région :​​


Ville :​​


Descriptif :​

Our team combines diverse and complementary skills ranging from molecular and cellular microbiology to genomics and bioinformatics. We have set up multidisciplinary approaches in order to characterize in depth bacteriophages, viruses of bacteria, that exhibit multiple and fascinating aspects and are also promising therapeutic agents as well as biocontrol tools.

Our research is organized around three main axes:

i. Phage / bacteria interactions and regulatory networks integration

ii. Phage diversity and genomics

iii. Phages as therapeutic agents and biocontrol tools

Our group is a founding and active member of the network which allows us to be part of the evolution of our research field and promote new collaborations. We are also deeply involved in Microbiology education at Aix-Marseille University as well as in science dissemination.

We host trainees from all education levels, feel free to contact us to join this dynamic and exciting research field!