AccueilInfos pratiques & communicationsEvènements & ColloquesWebinar: Understanding options for World Bank financing to address AMR, April 05, 2022, 15.30-16.45

Webinar: Understanding options for World Bank financing to address AMR, April 05, 2022, 15.30-16.45

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Article published on the World Health Organization website on April 05, 2022

Tuesday 5 April 2022

15.30-16.45 CET. Interpretation will be provided in French, Portuguese and Spanish.

Webinar objectives:

  • Provide an overview of the World Bank’s instruments and process for financing actions to address AMR

Topics & Speakers:

  1. Opening remarks
    • Mr. Anand Balachandran, Unit Head, AMR National Action Plan and M&E (NPM) Unit, WHO HQ
  2. Overview of the World Bank’s AMR program
    • Dr. Naomi Rupasinghe, Health Specialist, World Bank
  3. Country experience of Word Bank financing for AMR activities
  4. Moderated Q&A session
  5. Closing remarks

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