PROMISE Weekly Digest Nr 22

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Au cœur d’un réseau national et européen de partenaires, l’UMR 1092 RESINFIT recueille un flux permanent d’actualités sur la résistance aux antimicrobiens, l’approche globale One Health et sur les thématiques associées. Weekly Digest est l’outil de diffusion de cette veille, disponible sous forme d’une lettre électronique hebdomadaire en anglais.

At the heart of a national and European network of partners, INSERM’s RESINFIT joint research unit 1092 gathers a permanent flow of news focusing on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and other One Health-related topics.

This AMR Weekly Digest is the tool used to disseminate this monitoring, available in the form of a weekly electronic newsletter. This Weekly Digest covers AMR-related information from research findings, scientific events, public health reports, policy briefs, legislation and procurement mainly in Europe. In just a few lines, it presents the relevant news with the publicly available sources.

Why are you receiving this newsletter? As partners involved in UMR 1092 RESINFIT projects (RaDAR, PROMISE, EU-JAMRAI), you are on the mailing list for this new newsletter.

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