French Institute Research mobility programmes 2022

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Article published on the French Institute website

The programmes of the French Embassy / French Institute in Sweden aim to increase scientific and academic cooperation between France and Sweden by giving people active in research the opportunity to develop their professional network in the other country or to strengthen Franco-Swedish research cooperation. The programs are open to any person active in research, whatever their field of research, in the exact sciences as well as in the humanities or social sciences. Scholarships cover travel and living expenses, but not salaries or research equipment.

Several programs are available:

The FRÖ programme is intended for people active in research in Sweden who wish to make a partnership visit, scientific (with public or private partners) and/or academic, in FranceLink to apply

The TOR programme is intended for people active in research in France who wish to make a partnership, scientific (with public or private partners) and/or academic visit to Sweden. Link to apply

The ÖMSE programme is intended for people preparing a French Swedish double degree PhD between a French and a Swedish institution or wishing to apply for the « Doctor Europeaus » label. Link to apply

The GALAN programme is intended for people active in research in France and Sweden who wish to organize a scientific workshop in France or Sweden in order to prepare a large-scale project (bilateral or European). Link to apply

The Sophie Germain scientific residence corresponds to a one month stay in Paris and is intended for doctoral graduates who are doing research in a Swedish institution (university, research institute…). Link to Apply

The Eva de la Gardie programme is one month stay in the Swedish Institute in Paris in November. The call for applications is open.

The call for applications is open until the end of August 2022for a mobility before the 10th of November, 2022.

The applications can be closed before if the budget ceiling is reached.

The French Institute in Sweden will examine the applications every month.

Answers will be communicated two months maximum after the application.