Editorial by François Lacoste

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François LACOSTE
Credits: © Noël BOUCHUT
François LACOSTE

Leader of the Strategic Committee (Comité stratégique de filière, CSF) for the Health Sector "antimicrobial resistance".

Executive Vice-President, Research & Development, bioMerieux

In February 2021, a strategic industry contract was signed between the Ministries of Health, Industry and Research, and the healthcare industries. One of the 6 projects included in this interministerial contract is dedicated to the fight against antibiomicrobial resistance (AMR), in order to strengthen France’s AMR ecosystem and its position on the international scene.

This contract will be extended in the next few days with the signature of an amendment, a true aknowledgement of the value of the work carried out by this working group.

Organised around 3 axes – the development of a federative web tool, the optimisation of the management of health products dedicated to the fight against AMR and communication – this working group includes many public and private players.

As industrial leader, this forum is an opportunity for me to renew our call for application to join the work conducted for each of the three areas, in order to bring together the largest number of players in human and animal health, around diagnosis, treatment, vaccination and surveillance.

One of the major achievements, driven by Inserm is the creation and launch of the National ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE portal aiming at centralising all the information related to private and public teams working on the theme of AMR. It is also a place to exchange and share all types of information, especially scientific and technological.

The COVID health crisis we are facing shows how essential collaborations between actors are to ensure scientific and medical progress. There is no doubt that the fight against AMR requires a similar collective approach. In this perspective, informing this platform, being active and driving it is a great lever to develop cooperation between public and private sectors, industrial, academic, scientific and health professionals.

The National ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE portal is further enriched by new functionalities with the launch of its English version, opening it up to the international community, attracting talents and developing skills.

The fight against AMR requires the action and mobilisation of all. France can be a leading player. Let’s gather around this common objective, which is essential for public health and the prevention of health crises.

 François LACOSTE, Leader of the Strategic Committee (Comité stratégique de filière, CSF) for the Health Sector “Antimicrobial resistance”.

Executive Vice-President, Research & Development, bioMerieux

Previous editorials : access the editorial by Evelyne JOUVIN-MARCHE here and the editorial by Céline PULCINI here.