AccueilInfos pratiques & communicationsWebinar: Managing Antimicrobial Resistance through Behavioural Change, Wednesday September 8th,14-15 pm (CEST,GMT+1)

Webinar: Managing Antimicrobial Resistance through Behavioural Change, Wednesday September 8th,14-15 pm (CEST,GMT+1)

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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a silent, slow-moving pandemic with potentially devastating effects on global health and national economies. It is a challenge that requires an “all hands on deck” approach, through global commitments and national, multi-sectoral action plans – including  behavioural change. How do we move from words to action and implement sustainable solutions?

In March 2021, we arranged our first digital Uppsala Health Summit. The summit, which was attended by over 600 participants from 72 countries, resulted in an impressive collection of knowledge and policy recommendations that we have compiled in a compendium of briefs.  Download the full report, or view separate briefs from each workshop.

In this webinar we will discuss some of the conclusions from our summit.

Save the date and check back for a link to register! 


Opening: Dr Ulf Magnusson, Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Chair of the Uppsala Health Summit Programme Committee on AMR

PresentationDr. Koen Peeters: Professor, Professor, Dept. of Medical Anthropology, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, the Netherlands “Social and economic factors in the suboptimal use of medicine and access to care”.


Dr Clare Chandler, Professor, Medical Anthropology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Director of the Antimicrobial Resistance Centre, LSHTM

Dr Sujith J ChandyProfessor, Clinical Pharmacology at Christian Medical College, Vellore, India, member of the WHO Strategic and Technical Advisory Group on AMR.

Tracie MurayaPolicy Advisor ReAct (Action on Antibiotic Resistance) Africa and Program Officer at Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN)

The session is moderated by Dr Eva Garmendia, Project Coordinator at Uppsala Antibiotic Centre, and Dr Federica Santoro, Science Communicator, Uppsala Monitoring Centre

More on the event webpage.