AccueilInfos pratiques & communicationsEvènements & ColloquesWebinar: AMR in a changed world: building resilient systems for today and tomorrow, by US experts from the CDC, the Center for Strategic & International Studies, and the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy, 13 may 2021

Webinar: AMR in a changed world: building resilient systems for today and tomorrow, by US experts from the CDC, the Center for Strategic & International Studies, and the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy, 13 may 2021

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Combating antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a public health priority that requires a united, global approach across sectors, industries, and continents. CDC’s AMR experts collaborate with investigators around the world to identify and implement new ways to prevent antimicrobial-resistant infections from occurring and to limit their spread. Through this innovative work, experts are making measurable progress globally in addressing the spread of AMR within health care, the community, and the environment.

Session OverviewJoin AMR experts from CDC, the Center for Strategic & International Studies, and the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy for a discussion on where we go from here to address AMR after the COVID-19 pandemic. It is clear from the COVID-19 pandemic experience that more work needs to be done to build resilient and flexible health systems, capable of detecting, containing and stopping a pandemic, wherever it starts.

AMR knows no borders and directly threatens modern medicine and our ability to treat common infections. Hear experts lay out their vision and approach for how to address AMR in this new context and what’s needed to be better prepared when another pandemic hits.

Panelists and registration on the event page.