AccueilInfos pratiques & communicationsEvènements & ColloquesDecennial Day: 6th online International Conference on Healthcare Associated Infections, 12 April 2021

Decennial Day: 6th online International Conference on Healthcare Associated Infections, 12 April 2021

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We are excited to announce ‘Decennial Day’ which will be a complimentary program to SHEA Spring 2021. Decennial Day will feature a few selected sessions from the 2020 Decennial Program to be virtually held on April 12, 2021. More information to come on sessions and speakers at a later date.

You will automatically be registered for Decennial Day when you register for SHEA Spring 2021. If you wish to only sign up for Decennial Day (and not SHEA Spring) you may do so. Learn More

CARB-X participants include Kevin Outterson, Executive Director.

Click here to learn more.
Click here to view the agenda.
Click here to register.

More about Decennial Day here.