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Invitation to participate in a survey on research questions for the development of a One Health Priority Research Agenda on Antimicrobial Resistance

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Article published on July 12, 2021, on the World Health Organization website

The Tripartite collaboration between World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) is joining efforts to develop a One Health priority research agenda on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The strategic objective is to catalyse scientific interest and donor investment to inform global and national policies to address AMR in a One Health approach. 

This is an invitation for stakeholders and professionals working on AMR across all sectors to contribute to this Agenda. Your responses will shape research questions that will be prioritized to inform scientific interest and investment.

The survey requests your input on research questions, which may be a concrete problem, methodological/theoretical in nature or operational/interventional aiming to inform policy development across sectors. The questions identified in the survey will be prioritized by the Delphi methodology using the WHO Guidance for undertaking a research priority setting exercise.

This open call survey requests knowledge gaps relating to: 

  • improving our understanding of transmission and impact of AMR across sectors
  • strengthen the evidence base for effective AMR interventions 
  • policyeconomics, and finance across sectors
  • multisector integrated surveillance to inform policy 
  • behavioural insights and change 
  • crosscutting issues on:
    • gender
    • vulnerable groups
    • environmental sustainability of interventions including climate change
    • sustainability of AMR measures (social and economic feasibility)

The survey should take about 15 minutes or less.

The survey is anonymous, and the data will only be used for the purposes stated. We invite you to participate and contribute to this important strategic initiative. 

The survey is open until Sunday 22 August 2021 22:00 Geneva time.

You can enter the survey here or via this link:

If you have any questions regarding the content and aims of this survey, please contact us at:

The Impact initiatives and research coordination (IRC) Team

AMR Global Coordination Department

WHO AMR Division

Contact persons:

Tine Rikke Jørgensen (Project Lead)

Jorge Raul Matheu Alvarez (IRC team lead)


Why should you participate in the survey, and how will your participation impact the One Health Priority Research Agenda on AMR?

Your participation will help WHO to understand the priorities of stakeholders working in the One Health AMR area. Your responses will shape research questions that will be prioritized and published to direct donor and scientific investment. The open call survey will ensure the representativeness of the research questions and priorities.

What information will the survey collect, and how will it be used?

The data collected through this survey are aggregated and might be used in their aggregated form for future analyses and reporting. All survey responses will remain anonymous.