AccueilInfos pratiques & communicationsActualitésWebinar: “EURO ANTIBIOTICS 2021, congress on Antibiotics and Bacterial infections”, 26-27 February 2021

Webinar: “EURO ANTIBIOTICS 2021, congress on Antibiotics and Bacterial infections”, 26-27 February 2021

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The use of antibiotics having a crucial concern for selection of resistance, not completely among pathogenic bacteria also among the commensal ones. publicly health antimicrobial resistance may be a major problem thanks to possibility in therapeutic failure. The first objective of this meeting is to compile researchers involved in antibiotic and Bacterial Infections  prevention and control.

EURO ANTIBIOTICS 2021 will take a unified approach to research and it’ll cause researchers specializing in several subjects associated with antibiotics and Bacterial Infections. We expected to present a universal vision of the importance of antimicrobial and Bacterial Infections in several ecosystems and what are often done about it.

Session & Tracks

Track 1: Antibiotics

Track 2: Antibiotics in several Industries

Track 3: Clinical Trials of Antibiotics

Track 4: Subsequent Generation Approach of Antibiotics

Track 5: Alternative to Antibiotics

Track 6: Origins and kinds of Antibiotic and Antimicrobials

Track 7: Genetics and Proteomics of antimicrobial

Track 8: Antimicrobial : Public Health Concerns

Track 9: Antibiotic surveillance and safety concerns

Track 10: Analytical strategies for Antimicrobials & Antibiotics

Track 11: Role of future antibiotics & antimicrobial in diseases

Track 12: Infectious Diseases

Track-13: Bacteriology

Track-14: Human Bacteriology

Track-15: Plant Bacteriology

Track 16: Healthcare-associated Infection

Abstract submission and registration on the conference website