23/09/2021 – 23/09/2021
09:30 AM – 05:30 PM CET
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
AMR Insights
The International Masterclass AMR is designed for professionals who want to understand and overview Antimicrobial Resistance in a short time.
For those who desire a complete and up-to-date overview of global causes, consequences and possible solutions.
For those who are interested in the scientific, health-economic and the societal impact of one of the greatest threats of health and food safety.
Registration: please note that upon registration you are allowed to have a second person (colleague, business relation, etc at no additional costs).
People from LMIC can participate in the Masterclass free of charge: contact us at info@amr-insights.eu for further information.
Register Masterclass AMR for Dutch organisations (495 € per person) >>
Register Masterclass AMR for other organisations (495 € per person) >>
For a first impression of the 2021 Masterclass you may attend the website of the past International Masterclass AMR on 29 September, 2020: