Registration is now open.
Members: please log in first to receive the reduced Conference rates.
Non members: we invite you to become a member of MSGERC and receive member benefits throughout the year!
Please save the date and join us for the MSGERC biennial meeting “Clinical Mycology Today.” Experts from around the globe who specialize in fungus and mycoses gather for plenary talks that included: Antifungal Therapy, Host Factors & Methods; Organisms, Resistance and Pipeline. These sessions are followed by panel and audience interactive discussions.
In the new era of translational medicine and continuing medical education, The Mycoses Study Group Education & Research Consortium (MSGERC) has emerged as a non-profit education, scientific, and charitable organization providing seamless leadership to stakeholders seeking to diagnose, prevent, treat, and cure invasive fungal infections.
The overall meeting goal is to provide infectious disease researchers specializing in invasive fungal infections a forum to increase their medical mycology knowledge, identify unmet needs, share research findings, generate research ideas and best practices, and provide opportunities for networking and collaboration.
Together we champion evidence-bases diagnoses, prevention, treatment and management of invasive fungal infections through our mission of Education, Research, Scholarship and Advocacy.
We hope to see you at the 2022 Biennial MSGERC Meeting.
Location: Hyatt Regency Tamaya Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Conference Hotel Information and Reservations
Conference Rates
MSGERC Members – $650 USD
Non-Members – $825 USD
*To register for this meeting as a Member, and to access the discounted MSGERC Member rates, you must first LOG IN to the website with your member ID and password.
Video or photographs will be taken during the meeting. Your registration implies acknowledgement and waiver.
More on the event web page.