May-June 2021
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The National Antibiotic Resistance Interface newsletter offers you a quarterly selection of features published on the French National Antibiotic Resistance Portal, open to the public since January 2021. To subscribe to the French version, visit the subscription section of the website.

©Inserm/François Guénet |
Editorial • Évelyne JOUVIN-MARCHE
Inserm Research Director,
ITMO I3M Deputy Director,
Antibiotic Resistance Priority Research Programme Coordinator |
At the time of writing in March 2020, the world was facing an escalating and unprecedented health crisis caused by the emergence of a novel virus: SARS-CoV-2. A period that coincided with the launch of our project to create the French National Antibiotic Resistance portal.. Although we have no treatments for this novel virus so far, we do have antibiotics to combat most bacteria. And yet, according to the World Health Organization, drug-resistant bacteria are responsible for 700,000 deaths each year. If nothing is done by the year 2050, we could be looking at an annual figure of 10 million. What better way to fight bacteria and their resistance that know no frontiers than to unite and mobilise expertise and strengths from a variety of horizons? This is the driving force of the french National Antibiotic Resistance Portal, which has been designed and created to offer each actor the resources needed to gain the upper hand.
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Results of the Research call “Antibiotic resistance: understand, innovate, act” of the French National Priority Research Programme (PPR) on Antibiotic Resistance
11 projects selected for the 1st action of the PPR on Antibiotic Resistance financed by the 3rd Investments for the Future French Program (PIA3).
Annual report by the French Ministry of Health, “Innovative measures in human health to control antibiotic resistance”
France presents some of its innovative measures to fight against antibiotic resistance.
Recommendations of the EU-JAMRAI project
The EU-JAMRAI project, coordinated for Inserm by Pr M-C. Ploy, publishes 8 guidance notes from its working groups. Through its recommendations, they contribute to making Europe an area of good practice in the field of reduction of antimicrobial resistance and healthcare-associated infections.
The fight against antibiotic resistance has its symbol
This symbol was selected among the 600 candidatures deposited within the framework of the EU-JAMRAI competition. The winner is David Ljungberg from Sweden who proposed a clever DIY object.
Antibacterial agents in clinical and preclinical development: WHO overview and analysis
This WHO approach aims to prioritize and coordinate global research and development (R&D) efforts to fill the gap in the supply of new antibacterial drugs.
WHO: global shortage of innovative antibiotics fuels emergence and spread of drug-resistance
The World is still failing to develop antibacterial treatments desperately needed, despite growing awareness of the urgent threat of antibiotic resistance.
A One Health Global Leaders Group on Antibiotic Resistance established by WHO
This group of heads of state, ministers, senior private sector leaders, and civil society leaders to leverage the leadership and influence of these high-profile individuals to generate global interest and political action to safeguard antimicrobials and avoid the disastrous consequences of consequences of antibiotic resistance.
- Do you wish to submit a news item, a job offer or a scientific publication, or join our online directory of the scientists and key players in the fight against antimicrobial resistance in France? Write to us at: ppr-antibioresistance.i3m@inserm.fr
Director of publication: Gilles BLOCH, CEO of Inserm
Assistant Publishing Director: Évelyne JOUVIN-MARCHE
Editorial board: Guia CARRARA, Émilie NOGUEZ, Erica TELFORD
Communication manager: Myriem BELKACEM
Achievement: mlcom.fr
©2021 PPR Antibiorésistance |