The JPIAMR-VRI (Virtual Research Institute) Digital Platform is a free access point for the entire AMR community to facilitate knowledge exchange and data sharing of antimicrobial resistance research data across the globe.
The Digital Platform integrates relevant AMR-related data sources with more than 140 different public data sources already available in the DISQOVER platform provided by ONTOFORCE. This will help the user analyse, integrate and extract AMR data more efficiently to bring simplicity to complex datasets.
One can explore the multiple integrated data sources in the digital platform to find:
- the possible targets to an antibiotic molecule of choice.
- chemical information on antibiotics and its related biological assay data.
- determinants of antibiotic resistance and antibiotic resistance phenotypes.
- resistance mechanisms of organisms.
- resistance genes/plasmids and their sequence data information.
- AMR monitoring data of pathogenic bacteria isolated from diseased animals.
- clinical studies, patents, and publications.
- key opinion leaders in the field of AMR research.
- research organisations and academic institutions involved in AMR research all around the world.
Explore the Digital Platform
The JPIAMR-VRI Digital Platform will be launched at a live webinar on the 9th of June 2021, 13.30-15.00 CEST.
The webinar will combine short lectures on the concept of the development of the JPIAMR-VRI digital platform followed by a live demonstration of the Digital Platform. A panel discussion session on the value of interconnection and integration of various AMR databases will conclude the webinar.