Article published on One Health EJP.
The One Health concept recognises that human health is tightly connected to the health of animals and the environment, for example that animal feed, human food, animal and human health, and environmental contamination are closely linked. Therefore the study of infectious agents that may cross species and environmental barriers to move between these compartments is imperative.
In line with the “Prevent-Detect-Respond” concept, the main focus of the new OHEJP is to reinforce collaboration between institutes by enhancing transdisciplinary cooperation and integration of activities by means of dedicated Joint Research Projects, Joint Integrative Project and through education and training in the fields of Foodborne Zoonoses (FBZ), Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Emerging Threats (ET).
OHEJP: Collaboration and Integration across Europe
The OHEJP is an exemplar of the ‘One Health’ concept, and boasts a landmark partnership between 44 acclaimed food, veterinary and medical laboratories and institutes across 22 member states in Europe, including the Med-Vet-Net-Association.
An interdisciplinary, integrative and international approach to One Health is essential to address the existing and emerging threats of zoonotic disease and antimicrobial resistance. Most of the 44 institutes have reference responsibilities, representing a sustainable framework for an integrated research community.
Through the OHEJP there are opportunities for harmonisation of approaches, methodologies, databases and procedures for the assessment and management of foodborne hazards, emerging threats and AMR across Europe, which will improve the quality and compatibility of information for decision making. The Joint Research Projects (JRPs) and Joint Integrative Projects (JIPs) are key instruments to facilitate partner organisations working together and aligning their approaches, increasing their knowledge base of host-microbe interactions, and improving epidemiological studies and risk assessments which ultimately equip risk managers with the best tools for intervention measures.
OHEJP: Management and Sustainability
The OHEJP will also aim to develop sustainable programmes and projects beyond the lifetime of the OHEJP, through the production of a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. This will be communicated and made available through the OHEJP website which will continue to be supported through the official Twitter and LinkedIn channels.