Article publié sur le site de la Faculté de médecine de l’Université Paris Saclay
Université Paris-Saclay Faculty of Medicine is looking for one or two research team(s) to host in its future Translational Research Building in Le Kremlin-Bicêtre.
Applications are open until the 1st of June 2022.
Context of the call
One of the vocations of Université Paris-Saclay Faculty of Medicine is to conduct high-level translational medical research in close partnership with Université Paris-Saclay Graduate Schools and the Health Therapeutic Innovation Interdisciplinary Object.
To address this and strengthen the Faculty’s scientific dynamics, Université Paris-Saclay Faculty of Medicine will open in the second half of 2022 a new research building devoted to translational medicine on its Bicêtre campus.
This campus including the Assistance-Publique Hôpitaux de Paris Bicêtre hospital is located south of Paris with easy connections to public transport, train stations and airports. The campus is very close to several major other institutes and hospitals, including the Assistance-Publique Hôpitaux de Paris hospitals Paul Brousse and Antoine Béclère, the Gustave Roussy cancer institute and the Saint-Joseph foundation Marie Lannelongue hospital.
The campus is also close to and in connection with other technology platforms from Université Paris-Saclay such as the Infectious Disease Models and Innovative Therapies (IDMIT) pre-clinical facility at Fontenay-aux-Roses and the pharmacy and chemistry campus at Saclay.
From the end of 2022, this building will host high-level research units specialized in pulmonary vascular translational medicine (UMR S 999), bacterial and viral infections, auto-immunity, inflammation (UMR S 1184) and endocrinology (UMR S 1185) currently supported by Université Paris-Saclay, the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm), and shared research facilities (small animal facility, immunomonitoring platform, microscopy, imaging facilities…).
There is still room for one or two new research team(s) on the first floor of this translational research building.
What is offered
If selected, the team will be hosted in new laboratories and offices covering a total surface of 200 to 500 m2 and will have privileged access to local research platforms.
To facilitate its integration to the campus, the team will be hosted in one of the existing units until its labeling by a national research organization.
No specific financial support is included in the current call, but such support may be discussed case by case.
Eligibility criteria
Université Paris-Saclay Faculty of Medicine is opening this call for applications to outstanding teams specialized in at least one of the main priorities of the Health and Therapeutic Innovation Interdiciplinary Object.

The added value of the new team to the campus and its director’s ability to develop groundbreaking research will be key elements considered in the selection process. Candidate teams are expected to have a suitable number of full-time researchers, post-doctoral fellows, technicians, engineers and doctoral and master students to develop their projects.
Young teams (supported by or applying to ERC or ATIP Avenir programs for example) are eligible and welcome to apply.
Application files
Applications are required to have a maximum of 15 pages and to :
– Describe the main topic of the research team (less than 250 words)
– Explain the added value the team would provide to the site
– Describe the governance and funding of the team
– Give the profiles of the team members with an emphasis on the director (200-word biosketch and CV)
– Describe the 5-year research project (less than 2500 words)
– Provide the list of the 10 most important achievements since 2015 (publications, grants, awards and patents).
Application files are to be sent before the 1st of June 2022 to the Université Paris-Saclay Faculty of Medicine Research Bureau at recherche-faculte.medecine@universite-paris-saclay.fr.
This email address can also be used for further information requests.
Call for applications calendar
– 15th of March 2022 : opening of the call
– 1st of June 2022 : application deadline
– June 2022 : first evaluation and preselection of projects
– July 2022 : hearing of the carriers of the preselected projects
– August 2022 : announcement of the selected projet(s).
Occupation of the building
– Lower ground floor : animal facilities and technical premises
– Upper ground floor : reception, auditorium (300 seats) and rooms for workshops (100 seats each)
– 1st floor : premises to be allocated to the winners of this call
– 2nd floor : UMR S 999 (UPSay, Inserm) “Pulmonary hypertension: physiopathology and innovative therapeutic”, and UMR S 1185 (UPSay, Inserm) “Endocrine physiology and pathophysiology”
– 3rd floor : UMR S 1184 (UPSay, Inserm, CEA) “Immunology of viral, auto-immune, hematological and bacterial diseases”, and immunomonitoring platform.
Health and Therapeutic Innovation
Health and Therapeutic Innovation (Healthi) is an Interdisciplinary Object of Université Paris-Saclay.
Its origins date back to the former Laboratory of Excellence in Research on Medication and Innovative Therapeutics (LERMIT) which has been redesigned within the new framework of the new Université Paris-Saclay and extended beyond therapeutic innovation to take a broader interest in health and diseases.
Its objectives are to :
– Better understand the pathophysiological mechanisms of diseases
– Improve prevention (biomarkers, imaging) and treatment of diseases (drugs, medical devices, etc.)
– Identify new paradigms in the discovery and development of health products
– Better educate and treat patients (therapeutic education, patient care, societal acceptance of treatments).
The Interdisciplinary Object covers 4 of the 18 Graduate Schools of Paris-Saclay University (Health and Drug Sciences, Chemistry, Life Sciences and Health, Public Health) and also works with other Graduate Schools on some projects.