Discover the first global #AntibioticResistanceSymbol, chosen by the jury among the 600 applications received for the design contest organized by EU-JAMRAI. Its creator is David Ljungberg, a Swedish Product Designer and Art Director. Congrats, David!

The concept
“Although the issue itself is on a microbe level, the symbol itself has to represent something that the general public can relate to. Rather than being scientific showing microbes/phages it has to convey care, medicine and movement. Which is why the symbol is comprised of the iconic shape of a medicine capsule, the shape of a heart, and the shape of a bandaid (can also be read as an X or a cross). The heart tells us we need to care, the capsule sets the theme, and the bandaid tells us we need to fix it. Together they convey a strong message to rally behind, while keeping a very simplistic yet powerful shape”. David Ljungberg.
How to craft it and wear it
Any material can be used (paper, fabric, epoxy, etc.) and then: 1. Cut out a white heart and a red heart
2. Cut a small slit in the side of both shapes
3. Flip one of the shapes around and slide them together
4. Put a safety pin and wear it

Info, templates and promotional materials:

David Ljungberg is a Swedish Product Designer and Art Director working in the fields of medtech, energy and circular economy. With multiple awards for his work in advertising he now specializes in user-centered design that bridges the communication gap between science and the general public.
The European Union Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI) has received funding from the European Union in the framework of the Health Program (2014-2020) under the Grant Agreement Nº761296.
Copyright © 2020 Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections, All rights reserved.