Less than a century after the discovery of penicillin, physicians are running out of options to treat bacterial infections. In fact, the next global pandemic could be caused by a multidrug resistant strain of a previously eradicated pathogen.
New and sustainable novel solutions are necessary to get ahead of the trajectory of antimicrobial resistance. However, it is possible to build a better understanding of the antimicrobial crisis and strengthen public health defenses. Clinical research has a key role to play in developing the needed solutions to this rising threat, and improving existing healthcare tools.
Register for the webinar to learn about the antimicrobial resistance crisis and what the biopharma and healthcare industries can do to mitigate the impact of future pandemics. Experts from ICON will discuss:
- Factors contributing to the rise of antimicrobial resistance, including climate change and industrial farming
- Why innovation and improvement in diagnostics, preventative measures and novel treatments is crucial
- The current regulatory landscape and how industry has responded
- Considerations for a successful infectious disease clinical trial, including lessons learned from the race for a COVID-19 vaccine
- Opportunities for the post-antibiotic era
This programme will be beneficial for:
- Pharma project management, particularly in infectious diseases
- Clinical and scientific researchers
- Academic institutions and international bodies
- Government bodies
Shelley McLendon
Vice President, Vaccines and Infectious Disease, ICON
Shelley has more than 25 years of clinical research experience, 19 of which are tenured at ICON. Shelley provides executive leadership and oversight for ICON’s clinical and project management teams in the implementation and execution of vaccine and infectious disease clinical development programs. She also consults with small to mid-size biotechnology clients and large pharmaceutical companies providing strategic operational guidance and driving partnership development. Shelley is a key leader of ICON’s COVID-19 Taskforce which is cross-functional team of ICON executive leaders whose mission is to make a difference by advancing research in the fight against COVID-19.
Dr. Caroline Forkin, MD
Vice President, Clinical Research Services, ICON GPHS
Dr. Forkin brings 26 years’ experience in clinical, pharmaceutical and global health settings, including extensive experience in Africa. With a clinical background in Infectious Diseases, Caroline’s experience in Africa included senior roles as HIV/AIDS Advisor for both the World Bank and the Irish Government. These roles involved working with the Mozambican Ministry of Health, National AIDS Council, together with other global health entities such as the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative, the Global Fund for AIDS, TB, and Malaria, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Dr. Forkin’s pharma experience prior to joining ICON includes country medical lead for two biotech companies. Her role at ICON is Vice President for Clinical Research Services with responsibility for all our studies in Africa and the Middle East.